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Monday, 9 July 2018

What are the men doing now?

When I was young there were no female priests and I knew of only a handful of female organists. These days there are far more female priests, and female organists seem to be everywhere. This begs the question, "What are the men - who would normally have taken these roles/jobs - doing now?"

Presumably fewer men are presenting themselves for ordination. Or if is just that more women are doing so then the best candidates for priestly training are taken from a bigger pool of candidates and the women are beating the men to the (fewer) available jobs.

I have to say that most women priests I have met do a good job and some of the men I have encountered are really quite 'wet' and, frankly, make my stomach churn. I am not suggesting they "bat for the other side" although I have worked with a few priest who are known to be gay. A few priests I know have a rather "Sunday School" manner about them which means they pitch what they say as if they were talking to children and they modulate their voice accordingly.

There are also not many decent organs within a radius of 10 miles around where I live and worship bands are increasing in number.

I am a dinosaur!