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Wednesday 20 February 2019


I loath Stedman.

I have been a bellringer since 1973. My ringing took off in 1976 and I had a lull at university from 1977-1980 (As the Bristol University Ringers were not a welcoming lot back then!) but made huge steps on my PGCE course in the Reading area.

When I moved to the place where I now live I had ring a fair bit of Stedman but was no expert. There is one high-powered tower round here where I went to ring (back in the 1980s) and I joined in some Stedman. I went wrong and was reprimanded by another ringer for having spoilt their evening: it was practice night! I did not return to that tower for 20 years. These days, I would have given that chap a piece of my mind. I think he is now dead!

Anyway, I often go to towers where they insist on ringing Stedman: some claim it is a musical method. However, it is also one in which it is easy to lose one's place. Actually, it is very simple to ring - until calls are made. One can then forget whether to go in quick or slow. Good ringers are able to look around and find clues: I used to use the 4-5 rule but it does not seem to work for me these days for some reason.

In my experience, Stedman is a divisive method (actually a Principle) and it is used - I feel -to show off or make others feel less able.

However, some people seem to think they MUST ring it at all costs and so it gets rung badly, mostly at practice nights: seldom is it rung for services at my tower.

Here it is, rung nicely.

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