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Monday, 25 March 2019

Bad ringing

I have been getting fed with bell ringing for a while now - as my 1 regular reader will know. One of the main reasons is that standards seem static. Also...
  • These days people do not expect to do any work between ringing practices.
  • Nobody seems willing to advise others how to improve their ringing ("Your backstroke lead needs to be closer") so standards stay the same.
  • We ring the same boring methods.
In short I am jaded. I am getting older and in the remaining ringing years I have left I should like to ring some new things. I am perfectly happy to help learners but there has to be something to keep ringers at my level interested. Another local tower is at a standard way beyond mine and I do not see the need to learn methods on 10.

I am starting to look at the adjacent branches and guilds.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

The Next Election

In answer to my previous post, I now know that I will vote for my current MP at the next election. I emailed him a few nights ago and he responded with a very full answer (probably pre-prepared, although he did personalise it a bit) and it is clear that he and I see exactly eye to eye. There are a few good ones left. Sadly, as he pointed out, it is the Parliamentary machinery (not just the MPs) who are out to stop Brexit.

Sunday, 17 March 2019


I hadn't heard the news about Boris which Tregear Vean mentions: does anyone really think he stands a chance of replacing Mrs May?

I now trust very few politicians - they effectively took No Deal off the table which was surely a bargaining chip. I do support my local MP who always votes as I think he should: this leaves me with a problem. How do I register my discontent with the Conservatives and not vote for the MP I like? I have written to him to explain my current feelings on Brexit.

What I'll do at the next election I do not know.

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Ignored again

I have blogged before about the way people seem to treat me in social occasions.

This evening it happened again. What a waste of my time!

I had gone out to ring church bells prior to a branch meal which had to be pre-booked. The ringing was OK and we went to the pub.

As I was on my own I waited to be seated so that couples could sit together; I took a seat near two people I know. Once seated the starters were brought out for those who had ordered them - some of us had not. While people were eating I tried to strike up a conversation with three people: this lasted 15 seconds and then I was ignored.

Eventually the mains came and I had decided to leave once I had finished mine as I did not order a dessert. So from arrival at the pub to me completing my meal was a whole hour. At that point the chap on my left did strike up a conversation, but why did he wait an hour to do so?

Anyway, I made a few comments out of politeness and left.

As it is I dislike eating too late as I often t do not sleep well after a late meal. I shall not go again.

I did not enjoy the evening and the food was over-priced. £13.00 for a Steak and Ale Pie - RIP OFF

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Ash Wednesday - Incense

I was called in - at the last minute - to play for a service at a church a few miles away. It was yesterday, hence an Ash Wednesday service.

I had forgotten that there might be incense. My experience with this is not good. When I was organist at a town church they would always park the thurible (when not in use) near the organ and, hence, near the console. I put up with it but I don't know why.

To me, incense is just smoke because that is what people want to see. Totally pointless and downright unhealthy IMHO.

Saturday, 2 March 2019


We had 19 music exams at school yesterday and I accompanied all but two of them. I am exhausted.

I planned to go ringing today but wonder if I actually shall; far easier to stay at home. I do need to go shopping, though. Suffice it to say I lack motivation but I take the view that my Saturday off is a chance to recharge my batteries. I am at work again tomorrow from 0800 to 1245.

I do find I check my email far too regularly. I need friends but only have one close one at present. Oh misery me.