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Sunday 23 September 2018


I have been going to church ever since I can remember and sermons have been the bane of my life for nearly at least 55 years. Most I have heard are of little worth; a few have hit a nerve and/or made me think.

In general clergy feel they have a slot to fill and - by gum - they fill it with drivel. It is sometimes hard to follow their reasoning. Surely it all comes down to the same thing: "Try to be a better person".


  1. Lord, I hope not. No matter how we try to be a better person, it will never be enough. Instead, we should admit that we are not a good person to begin with, and ask God for forgiveness and his power to live free from our own evil.

  2. Sorry, I missed this until now. I regret that the writings of Christopher Hitchens now make more sense to me than anything else. A short spell with a local Evangelical church when I was at a very vulnarable point in my life some years ago showed me that some religious orgabinations are manipulative.
