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Thursday 21 July 2022

Communion and the Confused Church

I have always had a problem with taking commnuion and sharing one chalice. As an organist I managed to go early to the altar rail when only 2 or 3 people before me had received. I have not received commnion for many years.

After the main Covid panic (once churches had opened again) communion was given in one kind only (the bread) but now priests are able to give the wine by tincture (intincture if you will). This, to me, means that the bread is damp (dipped) with wine and I doubt that it is placed into the hand of the recipient: I don't know, I must ask. Yet for the priest to place it directy into the mouth of the worshipper risks contamination if a finger or thumb should touch the lips of consective people. [This practice was actually common (for Roman Catholics) before Covid, for just the bread as some people are taught not to touch the sacrament]

Looking of the C of E website I had no luck finding advice about tincture but I did find a mistake. Here it is. You would think they can quote correctly from the Bible.

EDIT (Friday)

I emailed the C of E and they said they will change the above. They also sent me the current Covid guidance.

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