A lot takes place before a service in the C of E. The list below will probably omit things which even I do not see as they take place in the sacristy.
- Lights turned on
- Coffee ladies prepare cups, milk, hot water
- Hymn boards are prepared (and checked - there was an error this morning, put right in good time)
- Notice sheets made ready for 'greeters'
- Bells rung up
- Candles lit
- Sound system turned on
- Streaming equipment made ready
- Screen lowered (the church I am playing at project what YouTube viewers see)
- Choir members robe and practise
- Eucharistic prayer choice conveyed to organist so the correct 'twiddly bits' are ready
- Readers find their places in the lectern bible (and bookmark)
- Communion wafers located
- Flowers will have been arranged the previous day
- Cantor selected for the psalm (well it isn't quite a psalm, just a verse)
- Many other things!
One does not just turn up and hope for the best.