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Sunday 20 February 2022

Enjoyable church

I played for a service this morning - I shall not say where - and they had a stand-in vicar (I'll call him George) because the usual priest was on holiday. He was excellent. He was a retired RE teacher (ordained) who knew how to give the service both pace and dignity. His sermon was one of the best I have ever heard as it was pitched at normal people yet had something profound to say which he illustrated with pertinent examples from his own life, but without banging on at length. I loved his style, vocal modulation, and his strong sense of authority which was blended with pastoral empathy and an obvious humility.

It turns out he plays the organ occasionally so he appreciated my playing, which was a bonus.

When I arrived the church heating was on but the door was wide open: this is for Covid ventilation - I get it - but a waste of money in some ways and not very environmentally friendly.

The service was introduced by one of the churchwardens who did not use the microphone and she had to restart having moved nearer the congregation. Another lady read the intercessions but her first action was to push the microphone stalk away from her by 90 degrees!

The congregation was small but the choir had some 8 members who sang a communion hymn, alone, quite well, although the sopranos were weak.

All in all, this has cheered me up but I fear George is a rare 'animal' in the church these days. It was so nice to have things done correctly.

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