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Wednesday 10 August 2022

Fed up

I admit to being a bit fed up with the C of E. By that I mean I am fed up with the pretence that people (and the church is the people) actually care. So, I am fed up with church people.


  1. Bellringing. Still nobody has enquired as to my well-being after my departure from the ringing chamber some week ago. Of course, it does not follow that bellringers are Christians and so one cannot reasonably expect them to act in a Christian way: except that I know some of them profess to be practising Christians.
  2. Organ playing. I have stuggled to understand what happened this weekend just gone when I found out by accident that there had been a wedding I was not asked to play for. One hopes that the reason is a good one but, had the book not gone missing I should never have known. Thus I feel there has been a lack of openness. How can a church claim it has no organist and yet one magically appears out of the blue?
  3. Vicars and 'modern worship'. The current crop of incumbents are relatively young (compared to me) and have - probably - not been 'brought up' around organists and 'proper' church music. They do not know how to engage with professional musicians. I have been the 'victim' (for want of a better word) of a misunderstanding regarding a previous wedding and I fear the same thought processes have resulted in the current situation.
  4. Silly season in church. The new idea in church is to have 'activity resources' or 'inclusivity packs'. Thus, on each pew, one church has a container of paper, crayons and pipe-cleaners for people (of all ages) to fiddle with - if they want to - during a service.

Why do I bother?

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